Right Zwift Play issue

Hello, I have been using Zwift Ride since December 2024, around ten sessions.
I have problems with the right zwift play:

  • Sometimes the buttons no longer work, especially Z and B.
  • I have the “menu” at the bottom left which starts to jump and it becomes impossible to click on it!

I should point out that I use Zwift via Windows on a laptop. all updates are done and the controller is fully charged.

How to contact a sales advisor rather than chat?

Email support@zwift.com

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thanks @Steve_Hammatt ; if somebody has same problems… tell me,
I saw many topics with close issues than mine…
Change the zwift play is the best solution ?


Yes, it’s a common problem. You can try holding down Z for 30 seconds to reset the controllers, but it’s highly likely the controllers have been damaged by sweat ingress and need replacing.

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I must be sweating very aggressively because the zwift play crashed after 5 sessions haha.
I sweat relatively little compared to other athletes… and I clean after each session…
Anyway, I’m waiting for a response from zwift support…


I have the exact same problem.

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Hi @BENOIT_RICHARD1 welcome to Zwift forums.

Shuji at Zwift HQ here. As of your last session - your KICKR Core was on an outdated firmware version 1.3.17. Your Ride Controllers are on its latest firmware, but it’s important that the trainer is too.

Please follow these instructions on Wahoo’s support site and update to their latest firmware. Let us know if that helps get things working as they should?

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I looked at your server logs and your KICKR Core is the latest firmware version 1.5.36. I also see you’ve been in conversation with one of my Support colleagues and have since resolved your issue. Sounds like a sweat ingress might be happening to yours. A towel draped over the bars and a good fan cooling you off will go a long way to mitigate that issue.

I have updtaed but still have the issues with my shifters. Is there any other solution for it?

Seems like my old thread was unlisted. …weird…

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My colleague Monica responded to you via email after your thread was unlisted but you have not responded yet.

If the best practices offered to you on this forum were not helpful in your case - please check your inbox (spam filter?) and respond offline so the Support team can assist you one-on-one…

Same problem here! :frowning: