Ride on problem

When anyone gives me Ride On’s and i try to view them after a ride i get this message



We encountered an error. Please try again in a minute…

Here are some helpful links meanwhile:

This problem stated about two weeks age and happens on every ride.

I use Zwift on a PC windows10

Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it?

Same problem here.
Tried several browser with Zwift on a Win10 PC. (Edge, Chrome, Firefox)
No idea how to fix it.

Same problem for a least two weeks now, with win 10 and website in chrome 92.

I came here to see if anyone else was experiencing this, thankfully it’s now been reported and hopefully it will soon be fixed.

I have the same problem, reported it several times and also asked them to change the message to be “Please try again in a month or so” . I now have some of my results in metric as set in preferences and some in imperial.