Resistance not changing after pause during workout

 sorry if this has been posted before but i cant seem to find anything similar

Im having a problem with the ERG mode after I pause during a workout

once i restart (press play) ERG reenables as it should do but when i get to subsequent intervals the resistance doesnt change it just stays the same as te interval during which i paused. 

e.g paused during SST long on an 80W rest interval and when i restarted and came to the 155W OU segments it just stays at 80W. similarly if i paused at 150W it will stay at the 150W for all subsequent segments


very frustrating as it makes workouts pointless if you need to pause briefly

using a Kickr and iphone link which all appear to be working ok!


I’ve created an email ticket for you from this so we can get your logs and investigate further. Keep an eye on your inbox!

I, too, have the same issue and need to unplug and then plug my smart trainer back in. I would appreciate this bug to be fixed as my trainer usually ends up with the absolutely highest tension setting possible after a pause briefly.