During the strength training, I have 10 secs. to reach 160W but I seem to reach the watts but then it drops down and I can’t seem to reach it again. I could only succeed this twice during the training. Any suggestions would really help me resolve this or is this normal?
Hi Diana,
It depends on the trainer you have. If it’s a smart trainer, some of them take time for their resistance to update, unfortunately. It’s different for each one (though the 2016 KICKR, the Tacx Neo, and the CompuTrainer are all fairly instantaneous).
If your doing short burst intervals disable the erg mode.
ERG sucks for quick leg speed work. as there is always a delay in the closed loop archetecture.
Its not just zwift workout problem
I have used trainerroad and for short high bursts i disable erg and set it on a slope 4 or 5 via the external control.
use your leg speed to generate watts.
Thanks for all the responses, I suspected as such, and you all confirmed what I thought would be the case. I don’t know if I can disable erg as I’m doing the training steps. Or I suppose I can just disable the erg during the whole session. Or just use my leg speed to generate the watts. At least I have options
There is another thing to try
in erg mode
Make sure you are in largest chain ring, and 2nd or 3rd smallest cog. This will cut down on the lag.
Thanks Matt! I figured that the first time I noticed the slack. It helps a bit except when I have to get to that target for 10 seconds. I’m wondering if I’m trying to get there too fast before the resistance kicks in…
Also have you updated the kickr firmware?
I noticed a big change in response for firmware version.
Yes, that happened the moment I opened the app on my iphone, but I double-checked just in case.