I did this ride - ZwiftPower - Login
I finished #13 and exited Zwift and pressed save.
As you can see the ride was saved on Zwiftpower but not on Zwift nor Strava.
My warm up ride wasn’t saved either.
How is that possible? There at no .fit files to be found from the rides.
Have you checked zwiftpower for the fit file? Or was it not there either? ZwiftPower - Login
I’m wondering if results for zwiftpower went over after event (before upload and save) but later during upload and save something went wrong.
Thanks for helping out, but it is not in the activities list.
Been using Zwift since 15’ and this is the first time it happening for me. Usually I always just look for the .fit files in the ‘Acitivities’ folder but nothing was recorded.
If you run iCloud and it’s full you won’t get any fit file, or if Dropbox or one drive are syncing the my documents folder I’ve heard you will get problems. Did you start using a cloud service recently or did it fill up recently?
I think I found the cause of the problem. Make sure that “Controlled folder access” is turned off for the ‘Documents’ folder. Mine was turned on.
I haven’t tested it yet, but I think this could be the reason for Zwift not saving either inProgress.fit nor the .fit for the session.
I can confirm that the above was the solution