Proform treadmills Ifit bluetooth

Why treadmills proform Ifit bluetooth dont work with zwift?

Because the ProForm iFit Bluetooth protocol is not open.

If zwift celebrated a protocol with Ifit, both would win, Ifit treadmills would sell much more.

The issue is not with Zwift, it’s with ProForm. ProForm would need to open their Bluetooth protocol so Zwift could use it.

I have a ProForm treadmill and just use either Stryd or NPE Runn to connect to Zwift. Both are probably more accurate than what would be reported by the ProForm over Bluetooth.

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Stryd is very expensive and also have some issues.
Runn also have issues with incline reported for somes users.

What issues does Stryd have? I have used one for over 2 years with zero issues.

The RUNn elevation issues is most of the time caused by an non level treadmill or not having the RUNN level.

The speed in which the treadmill reports could be off by a lot and both the Stryd and RUNN are far more accurate since they either measure belt speed or foot speed.

I use speed transmitter treadmill. I try to use my garmin fenix 3hr with HR Run transmitter but accuracy is bad.
I’m thinking buy a Runn. I do interval trainings running at 20kph and i would like assurence it’s accurate.

Do you know if this problem is atila the same? Or now proform works with zwift?

now QZ app is compatible with all ifit bike/treadmills!