Power output over Time graph please!

When doing a workout, there is (at the bottom of the screen) a Watts over time graph. All Zwift developments needs to do is to enlarge this, with Watts and time metrics on the Y and X axis and have it where one can download it. I will be super-surprised if 90% of Zwifters are not desperately wanting that. Super-imposing that curve on heart rate (which might be from another source) will then be indicative of the extent that “uncoupling” is taking place.

Can anybody think of a better way to measure aerobic fitness??!!

I can see that in Strava and I am sure you can in Training Peaks also. 

I’m not sure for Training Peaks. However, with Strava it used to be so that power and heart rate values were only visible if you were a premium member with them. Not sure if that still is so, seeing as to how I’m a premium member I see the data regardless.

However, if so. And if that’d be the same case for Training Peaks, we can’t really expect riders to take on membership with a third party service for this sort of data. Zwift has direct access to it. At the end of a workout session it’s already displayed for that specific ride to us. All that’s left now is to get a decent web interface with it.

The data is available in the free version of Strava, which allows you to zoom into sections and analyze the data.  One might also consider loading up the .fit file into a program like Golden Cheetah for detailed analysis.  Zwift gives you a summary view but their core service is creating a social ride experience on the trainer but a lot of other tools specialize in analyzing the post-workout data.

I do think it would be potentially nice to have the screen shot of the workout summary uploaded to Strava.

Thanks for your comments guys.

Please don’t read me as stubborn, but why must I now subscribe (free or not) to yet more academic conglomerates?!  I am a cyclist, not a gadgets guru, and hopefully most Zwifters too. Yet another account, another username, another password – what for, if Zwift already has that info. Considering their immense achievement (thanx Zwift!!) with what is already there to be enjoyed, this request is a “before tea time jobbie” for the programmers!


Most cyclist are gadget gurus and most already have an account on another site since they also ride in real life and would like those tracked as well. I am not saying your request is not justified, I just think Zwift programmers should work on other issues before this one since you can already do what you are asking for with a 3rd party.


I like this one even though i get the data in strava and training peaks - I’d like it live at the bottom of the screen with HR and Cadence maybe as well, handy to see in work out mode.  Would be nice to have a configurab le dash too like a garmin.


One of my biggest bugbears with Zwift is that as a stand alone tool it is pretty poor.  You need other websites to get the most out of it.

I could be wrong but isn’t the Strava power curve one of the chargeable features?  Not a very high percentage of people therefore have access to it - even though it is very useful and informative.

Via their website I think you should be able to dig deeper into a ride and view interesting stats on it.



Brandon, no, all Strava (free & premium) users have access to their power recordings, whether it’s Strava’s estimates or straight from a device like a bike-based meter or Zwift’s pass-through of trainer power.