Hello, I use Zwift with Tacx Genius Smart T2080 trainer - when I use only trainer data (it’s provide power, speed, cadence and control) everything is ok and stable. I also have external power meter - powerbeat on my crank left arm and Bryton monitor + phone with ANT+ to monitor power from this meter.
I also have ANT+ USB dongle for Mac, so can use Powerbeat as power source in Zwift. It works fine, but power is very “ustable” during tranings and enabled ERG mode - it fluctuates a lot (in small values, but fluctuates), so I often see “more power” info and it’s problematic. I think it’s because Zwift must get data from powerbeat, calculate, and then send to Tacx to change resistance - maybe it takes to long time to work properly?
I prefer to use external power meter with Zwift, because it’s more accurate than trainer. What can I do to fix this?