Photo download

Is it really NOT possible to stop Zwift from taking/saving photos? I don’t want the photos and I have written a batch file to delete them, but there us surely a way to simply stop Zwift taking them, no?

In game go to settings and turn Screenshot Uploading to “Never”, problem solved.

Not sure that works on all platforms. IIRC some of the mobiles don’t have it.

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I am on PC, Windows, my settings are set to NEVER, but it still saves two photos to my PC Photos every day. I don’t want ANY. Problem NOT solved!!

Thats for uploading, not taking pictures. As far as I know there isnt a way to stop the auto screenshots.

It will always force one photo to upload on iPad regardless of settings.

I’m on a Mac so maybe it’s different than a PC but when I selected “never” it stopped taking auto screenshots.