Pb Connexion Appli HT

Hello Everyone,
Impossible de rouler ce matin,
la tablette ne connecte plus le HT (Tack Flux) qui fonctionnait très bien il y a 2j
et qui est bien reconnu seul en bluetooth hors zwift

Android 12.

Si quelqu’un peut m’aider à fixer le problème ?
J’ai relancé, débranché rebranché vérifié qu’il n’y avait pas d’update et rien de ne se passe.

Merciiiiiii :slight_smile:

Did you pair it to the phone’s Bluetooth settings? You must not do that.

I suggest testing it with the Tacx app to see if the trainer works. Terminate the Zwift app before doing that. Calibrate the trainer using the Tacx app, and contact Garmin if it fails.

You could also try using it with a different device to see if it behaves differently.

no i did not, i cut everythings
and try only with the tacks apps (its connecting) after i cut it and reset zwift and tablett and nothing works

Have you tried deleting the Zwift app and reinstalling it? When you install the app, it should ask for Location permission. This is allows it to use Bluetooth. You can also check for Location permission in Android settings.

If this doesn’t help, I suggest contacting Zwift support. https://www.zwift.com/contact-us