Impossible to connect tacz to zwift bluetooth

Impossible to connect home trainer tacx to zwift, im tried from 3h without success
Yesterday all was ok
Any idea ?

If you’re using Bluetooth, check that your trainer isn’t already paired to another device or app.

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Thanks. Nothing changed that yesterday where all working fine

Tell us more about your setup. What device are you running Zwift on?

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Im sorry im french
I use ipad IOS and version of zwift is 1.19.0
Application tacx see my home trainer so bluetooth is working
Its the link between home trainer and zwift who is not working. Probably a problem with zwift

Your trainer might still be paired to the Tacx app, and that would stop Zwift from seeing it. Make sure the Tacx app isn’t still running in the background - kill it off from the multitasking view or reboot the iPad.

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For sure. HT is not connected to tacz when i try to connect him to zwift. I will try again tomorrow

I reinstalled tacx application just to see if bluetooth working well. Before HT was ´t connected to tacx and the problem was the same

Hi try deleting and reinstalling the apps from Zwift and ensuring that you do not have the TACX app installed, I use TACX flux and had same problem, also ensure you are not listening to music or other devices on Blue tooth that may conflict with trainer :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Hi ok try this - delete zwift app and install the TACX app only and try that for connectivity and that will ensure that it is not a connection issue

Salut Queen Marie, je suis nouveau dans Zwift et c’est décourageant pas moment. Donc tu n’es pas seule. Pour ton problème, j’irais voir sur ta tablette, dans la liste des applications, il dois y avoir des autorisations qui manquent pour faire le pairage entre ton Tacx et l’appli Zwift sur ta tablette.

J’oubliais, il faut savoir qu’une connection bluetooth c’est pas comme le wi-fi. Tu ne peux pas connecter à l’infini ton trainer avec des applications. C’est pour ça que quelqu’un te dit qu’il faut que tu commences par enlever le pairage que tu a fait entre ton trainer et l’appli Tacx.

Merci c’est résolu
J’ai désinstallé et réinstallé et miracle :smiley: