I have recently started to organize a number of meet ups for friends, club members and followers.
Organising “meet ups” is a right faff as you have to send out invites to each person that you want to join the ride. But on the plus side, you can opt to have the group stay together utilising the elastic band effect. This is vital for our rides to be a success because of the enormous difference in riders’ abilities.
The second option is organising “group rides” via the Zwift club, which is far easier but unless I’m missing something, I cannot see where I can switch the “keep the group” together option on? Or the option to turn the red banner on or to select a kit for everyone to wear.
That said, I did stumble on these setting somewhere yesterday when I was searching around, but all the options were greyed out and not available to be selected? To add to my announce, I cannot find them again…grrrrr!
Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong, please, thanks in advance.
If it helps, I’m using the companion app on a Android phone.
You’re not going wrong. The Keep Together function still isn’t available for club rides despite being requested for ages.
Don’t try to use the web interface to add a fence or rubberbanding for club rides. The web interface for event management isn’t compatible with club stuff.
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Thanks @Steve_Hammatt
Is there a way to add the red banner to meet ups then?
Can you add a fence with group rides then, if so how?
Which sort of group rate rides are you referring to? If you’re an event organiser who can set up public Zwift events, then yes. If you’re talking about rides via Zwift clubs, then no.
Thank you @Steve_Hammatt for replying to my questions, it’s a real shame that organising club rides or meet up doesn’t carry the same merit as public Zwift events though?
One last question, I promise!
What is the criteria in having the ability to create a public Zwift event?
I was just wondering, and as a work around, if it would if it be possible to create a public Zwift event but with its real primary function would be for meet ups or group club riders. That way we could benefit from all the public organised events benefits as well as casting the net to other Zwift users not necessarily ones that you know.
I don’t know for sure, but I think Zwift have to be convinced that you get lots of people along to your events (e.g. meetups or club events) and that it’s worth them letting you organise public events.
There are plenty of people here who are event organisers and who may be able to comment further.
If you go into the Clubs sub-forum under Futureworks, tou will find large numbers of people asking when Clubs will be able to use Keep Together functionality.
Thanks @Steve_Hammatt for your help and advice, really appreciated.