No More Lightning Bolt?

Apologize in advance if already covered, but after an extensive search, can’t find this info.

I have a Cycleops H2 smart trainer with Apple TV4K. Everything pairs up fine (via BT), but when I’m riding, there is no lighting bolt by my w/kg. From what I’ve read, that means you’re using zPower. I thought by having a BT connected smart trainer, it allowed Zwift to control it (I have no power meter) and thereby not have to rely on zPower. Did Zwift do away with the lightning bolt for smart trainers altogether? Confused.

Hi Sheila,

While Cycleops H2 smart trainer is a fully compatible smart trainer with Zwift, if you are pairing it as a power source on your pairing screen, you should able to see a lightning bolt by the power readings in-game on the top left corner.

If you are still not seeing the lightning bolt, I would suggest you the following:

  • Check for any available game update, and make sure your game version is up to date.
  • Sometimes there are some weird graphical glitches on ATV that get fixed by a power-cycle, so try to unplug the power cord for about 2 minutes and then plug it back.
  • If your issue still persists, try to reinstall the game.

If the issue is still there, [open a support ticket] with us, and send us a screenshot of your ride screen. We’ll get back to you!