New Halo Bikes, New Drop Shop Bikes [March 2025]

This settles the questions of whether I was going to ride today. Time to get some miles in.

Probably lightning socks.

This is a daily event on ADZ. Yesterday top time:

The second time is almost the same every day from that person. 42min isnā€™t impossible but doing that almost daily. Hmm. Not sure. But 32:19ā€¦ get that guy a pro contract.

some already do like FRR. iā€™m in favour of choices. if all races prevented me from using the bike that I want to use I donā€™t think Iā€™d bother racing anymore. why do so many people seem to think that everybody should do everything the way they want it to be? Iā€™d like there to be room for everybody to have it how they like. and I think there is.

and as for detecting bots youā€™ve already mentioned yourself somebody riding several hours at 450 W. Thatā€™s a big red flag if the bot itself cannot be detected anybody riding more than X number of hours at Y power could have the XP and drop for that ride disabled and meters climbed.

The stats of bikes and wheels can be neutralised so theyā€™re all the same. Anyone can ride any bike, but they all have identical characteristics. Theyā€™re doing that with Zwift Games, IIRC.


I was hoping the last upgrade on the Atomic Cruiser would be the dog basketā€¦


Question. What was the reason to set the MTB ingame as climbing bikes ? I just got the update and in order to upgrade my MTB I need to climb 2000m with them. Is that intended or a flaw ?

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They have ā€œmountainā€ in their name!


In 1.85.2, Zipp 454s are ~204k.

In 1.86, they are now ~600k.

Buy before you upgrade if possible!

Some of us oldies have had those for years, along with most of the other bikes.

Itā€™s funny to see the rush of people buying things after hoarding their drops for years and riding only the Tron.

Now they are going to pay more. :rofl:

No one will have the performance tweaks immediately, as each rider has to ride some amount of distance/elevation/time to earn them. And people will earn these things at different rates, depending on how frequently they ride, as well as how long and what type of course is chosen. And, just to make things more fun (or complicated, you pick), because different bikes earn on different bases (distance, elevation, or time),itā€™s possible that two people who do exactly the same rides at the same speeds will earn at different rates, depending on their chosen bike. So, at least technically speaking, itā€™s possible that the first person to receive the new Zwift update could be the last person to get an upgrade. Crazy!

Do we need a calculator and a slide-rule to figure out a personal plan?

As exciting as it seems, I predict a lot of whiners. Maybe there should be two threads; one for praise and one for whiners.


Is that the start of the whiners topic? :wink:

Itā€™s an interesting system and gets people riding more different bikes.

All thatā€™s missing is the request for all garages to be reset so everyone has to start from scratch.

I was referring to something else. There are performance changes to frames and wheels (before upgrades) after Zwift did some wind tunnel tests. For example, the Canyon Aeroad 2024 is now the most aero road frame. Also disc wheels are slower on road frames, but fast as they used to be on TT frames.

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That doesnā€™t make sense - IRL would be no difference. Indeed teams like Garmin Sharp ran disc wheelsets on Cervelo S5 because it was sometimes faster (the S5 was lighter than the P5).

Also remember Lachlan Morton running a disc wheel equipped road bike on IRL TT.

But this is a game which has its own ideas about realism.

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Guaranteed whether the feature is brilliant or game-breaking.


Not a complaint because Iā€™m totally confused whatā€™s happening and Iā€™m going to wait and see. I do want a faster time trial bike and a faster climbing bike. I have 50 million dollars. I donā€™t want a halo bike. I already have the Diamond I wanted a long time ago. I love that Lama hates it. I love it too because it has the color slide, very important for selfies. Anyway, I would only work hard and spend hard on it if it will go faster than my black only Cadex tt bike.

I think this is all about the racer mentality. It will be cheaper and easier to make a slow frame fast than it will be to make a fast frame faster. Is that right?

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Yes, but the fast frame can be upgraded beyond the reach of the slow frame.
And some frames cannot be upgraded enough to match the performance of the base model fast frames.

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That would be awesome.

The s-works tarmac sl8 counts as Specialized?

Yes. Still technically specialized just part of the s works sub brand