New Halo Bikes, New Drop Shop Bikes [March 2025]

Why I can’t see sl8 in the drop shop?

Yes I know that is the case IRL but is this the case in Zwift too, I don’t want to waste a lot of time, effort and drops upgrading the s-works only to find out it doesn’t count towards the specialized halo bike

Most likely because you’re still on version 1.85


Thanks for that. I have Zwift on two machines, one had updated, the other didn’t, so I went shopping :grinning_face:. Still have 25m drops left.

how do i force the update to appear? cuz i literally have no update available on any of my 5 devices

You can’t. The iOS and Apple TV rollout will start later today, at the start of the US Pacific day. Plus also at that time the rollout will continue, so there will be an increased chance for your devices to get the update.

Same problem

That’s how it’s supposed to work. You get the update when they want you to get it. In the mean time, you ride, drink herbal tea, whatever gets you through the day.


Good stuff. One comment / feature request. Given how popular the Tarmac SL8 is going to be (those performance numbers :eyes:), it would be nice if it wasn’t one of those “paint locked” bikes. Zwift is going to be full of bright white frames everywhere. Maybe at upgrade Stage 5, allow for a color slider or offer a new colorway?

It was kind of nice that the more recent top performer (Dogma 2024) had some color options so at least there was some variation. Is there a reason the SL8 is paint locked? Some agreement with Specialized? If not, god speed on getting us some colorway options for it :sweat_smile:

Only other request would be to maybe give some visibility to what each upgrade stage unlocks. Eventually that detail will become public knowledge through 3rd party websites or the like, but wouldn’t hurt to have that detail in-game. It would be good to know what exactly you’re working for given the significant time and effort required for each frame.

Other than that, the new power challenge and these upgrades are good stuff to keep us motivated to get on the bike and put some time and kilometers in on Zwift. Thanks!


Is there an official list from Zwift somewhere where we can see what frame gets what upgrade ?
I now understand that not all frames get the same upgrades so a list where this is shown would seem nice and helpfull with planning.

sure would be nice, I assume we will have to wait for Eric to publish something at Zwiftinsider

How do we find out what we need to do for a specific frame to unlock the upgrades for that frame?

I suspect we’re going to have to wait for users to figure this out and post.

I assume the thing to do is to look at the 4 Halo bikes and decide which one you want to upgrade then just ride bikes from that eco system.

I’m going Tron and in 2-3 years, with my aero socks, I’ll be as fast as I was last year!


That Dale monstrosity with a rollerblade for a front wheel…

How many ZwiftHQ staff members looked at that and said chuck that in the game?! :flushed:

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Wait, 3 Halo bikes, right?

4, Tron is considered a Halo
If you click on it in version 1.86, it says you have to upgrade 3 other frames.

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What upgrades are the gravel bikes getting?

What do we have to do to get upgrades on gravel bikes?

But its real … although that is even more shocking …

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Oh wow. Didn’t see that in the news (and don’t have 1.86 yet). I get to keep the one I have, right?