Some Zwifters are reporting that their experience points aren’t matching their actual level. This is being investigated and I edit this post with updates as we receive them. Thank you for your patience!
For me it is the run level, that isn’t updated in the companion app. Level changes are showing up, but in-Level progress can only be seen inside the game, not in the app (Same for iOS and Android).
The bar always remains at the beginning of a level.
Ride progress shows up perfectly.
Hello Paul. I have difference in and the companion app. The app shows I am on level 3 and all my runs. But on win 10 in my chrome browser I see running stats level 1 and only 3 runs. Also I noticed my last 2 runs 5km and 3.2 km on win 10 with Zwift didn’t upload to Strava. Not a good start for me.
Maybe this is cause I am running a free version and not paid for an account till now?
In the Zwift App and the Zwift Companion App you can see BOTH Running and Riding Levels, but on you can ONLY see Riding Levels. Meaning that is you have never biked using Zwift you will see you are at level 1 on
You can manually upload activities to Strava, if you need some assistance let me know.
Ok. Clear on level. In companion I see all activity and my Trainingsplan activity. See pics enclosed. But in browser I only see three of them. Does Trainingsplan not show up in activities? And is that why those runs did not upload to Strava ?