Membership period canceled and can't ride


My account was debited of 14,99€ on 26/04.
After that, I unsubscribed Zwift. I was expected to benefit from my membership until the end of the period I paid for on 26/04 : it was not the case when I launched Zwift, it was specified that I was not a member anymore.
I had to take my membership again yesterday 29/04.
A new debit is scheduled on 05/05.
Do we agree I should have been able to ride until the period I paid for ?


Hi @PATRICK_TELETRAM, you will need to contact Zwift support. Us forum users are just Zwift members like you and don’t have access to your account details.

I would assume that your membership would go through the end of the current, paid billing cycle, but I don’t know for sure as I’ve never canceled my membership.

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Thanks. I tried to contact them multiple times without any answer in the tchat and I can"t get their mail…

Exactly the same for me.
Also payed on 26th April and expected my membership runs till 26th May, when canceled on 30th April, but was immediately put in free user mode.
SEPA payment?
The mail I got back:

Thanks for reaching out to us.
Sorry this may not be what you wanted to hear.
But be aware that "Cancelling your subscription with direct debit/ go cardless which is cancelled immediately and you can’t use the prorated time you paid for.
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to email us back.

Guess I burned 15€. Hope I’ll remember next season.

That is piss poor


I guess SEPA payment for a US company is as weird as CC and Paypal is for us europeans. :rofl:

What a shame…
There is no public info about that, I’m really disappointed.