Meetup suggestions

Well, my microphone wasn’t working for some reason, so I went to my bedroom to reset microphone source from obs. I paused the treadmill and the Garmin (and left the watch there to prevent problems with the pairing of the distance between the garmin and the computer running zwift -check from 8.11 to 8.16 i removed garmin from wrist-). When i came back with microphone working fine, started running in the treadmill and pressed play in garmin, my character started running in that virtual treadmill inside the game used for warming up, the timer stuck at 0.00 and couldnt move (it was hilarious because i was running in a treadmill watching myself running in a treadmill). Solution was to fan view my partner the first half hour. Then closed zwift, started again, picked “run with…” and teleported to him

Seems like some guys here had the same problem Meetups not working - #9 by Phil_Wingard ¿maybe its a known bug?