I used to love using Zwift on my largescreen desktop Mac. I can’t upgrade that iMac to OS 13, so now I have to use Zwift on my phone.
Could Zwift make some features available to users with older operating systems?
Having access to fewer routes and/or not interacting with other riders would be ok with me.
I prefer to experience the route on a large monitor, and also find that not all features work on my iphone (I can’t adjust trainer difficulty using iphone interface).
This isn’t really a big report is it, the OS in question has been deprecated. The chances of Zwift re-adding support for a device they’ve deprecates is near enough zero I imagine.
There’s some explanation of the reasons why they did this here:
Depending on your phone and Mac you may be able to use your Mac screen when running the game on your phone so that you see things a bit bigger at least:
There is a good chance that your older Mac can be updated to a newer operating system by using OpenCore Legacy Patcher. I doubt Zwift will start supporting older OS versions, because that would necessitate testing on those versions.