Lost my Ride on AppleTV 4k

Hi All,

Yesterday  I finshed the Race “SZR iTT Race”. Unvortunately the race ist not shown on my Zwift Events until now. Even worse is, that this Event is also not synchronized to Strava. Does somebody has an Idea, how to get the FIT File from Apple TV.

I am surprised that my ride was uploaded to zwiftpower ??


 Thx for your help,


Does it show up here: https://my.zwift.com/index.jsp

if so you can download it and manually upload it to Strava.

No, unvortunately not :frowning:

Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no way to access the fit file on the Apple TV unit.

I believe this is a Zwift requested feature but I’d say it’s unlikely Apple will allow a third  party to access ATV storage any time soon.

It’s all a bit messy. <sigh>