Losing Bluetooth Connection

Thanks for hearing me out - I’ve seen quite a number of posts about this issue.

I was recently participating the the January 2018 Cervelo Canada Cup group rides. I diligently connected all devices [wahoo cadence and HR sensors and Tacx Flux trainer via Bluetooth] - all through my hp laptop with the Zwift mobile app on my S8 Samsung phone. I joined the race without incident 10-15 mins before the start time, warmed up and waited for the start.  In all 3 instances - less than 30 seconds following the start of the race I lose all pairings.  Laptop reads “no signal” on all devices. It appears that the start of the race “floods” the Zwift mobile app with data, and I seem to lose BLE connection. The white triangle appears over the phone logo on the laptop and may not re-initiate the Bluetooth search - I was only able to reconnect in one of the 3 occasions - it took almost 10 mins for the single time I was able to rejoin - after shutting down laptop, restarting, etc, etc,.  Zwift shouldn’t be this flaky and its ruining my experience and I may have to drop it for something else…

I can confirm that phone & laptop are on same 2.4 GHz wireless network. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the Zwift Mobile app. All devices are in close proximity - no microwave ovens nearby.

I’m have the the same trouble with my laptop and samsung s8, only just in the middle of rides.  Does zwift support not follow these problems?

Your best option is to use a ANT+ dongle and a USB extension and eliminate the need for the ZML to bridge the signal.

How do I connect that between my wahoo kickr and laptop?