Thanks for hearing me out - I’ve seen quite a number of posts about this issue.
I was recently participating the the January 2018 Cervelo Canada Cup group rides. I diligently connected all devices [wahoo cadence and HR sensors and Tacx Flux trainer via Bluetooth] - all through my hp laptop with the Zwift mobile app on my S8 Samsung phone. I joined the race without incident 10-15 mins before the start time, warmed up and waited for the start. In all 3 instances - less than 30 seconds following the start of the race I lose all pairings. Laptop reads “no signal” on all devices. It appears that the start of the race “floods” the Zwift mobile app with data, and I seem to lose BLE connection. The white triangle appears over the phone logo on the laptop and may not re-initiate the Bluetooth search - I was only able to reconnect in one of the 3 occasions - it took almost 10 mins for the single time I was able to rejoin - after shutting down laptop, restarting, etc, etc,. Zwift shouldn’t be this flaky and its ruining my experience and I may have to drop it for something else…
I can confirm that phone & laptop are on same 2.4 GHz wireless network. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the Zwift Mobile app. All devices are in close proximity - no microwave ovens nearby.