Knickerbocker Reverse route badge not working

Rode this route at least 3 times now and still no badge awarded.

Yesterday, I rode two full laps with no success (~45km), and confirmed that my spawn point was short of the finish banner (would have only mattered on the first lap). There is no lead in on this route. Below is my effort:

Hi @Andrew_West_UberPret welcome to the forums!

Your activity is set to private, so we can’t see it. There are known issues with some of the routes on New York not placing you on the correct route, seems that most of the time this happens people are placed on the park perimeter route. Also, most of the issues revolve around meetups. Did you do this in a meetup or a free ride? Zwift is aware of the issues and hope to have a fix out in the next update soon.


Thanks. Changed to “public”.

Yes I had the same issue last week. And believe I have even rode this route late last year over the winter… How do you enable the badge and associated XP? Other routes seem to work fine…

Activity: 637757055200498032

Hi Mike, I have the same issue and would like to know how I can go about getting this badge and xp for knickerbocker reverse? This problem is quite old already, is there still no fix?

@Ryan_Mynhardt, it looks like you did knickerbocker forward, not reverse.

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Hmmm, is it possible I spawned incorrectly? Im pretty sure Knickerbocker reverse was selected when i started. I also dont remember turning around… I will give it another try, i saw the thread after not being awarded the badge and thought there might still be an issue with the route.
Thanks for the reply Mike!

I’ve had the same happen to me twice.
So annoying,

I have ridden both the Knickerbocker and Knickerbocker reverse routes exactly and tracked it on the Zwift app to make sure it was correct according to the route outlined on Zwift Insider. I even did a u-turn after the finish banner to see if it would work and it didn’t. It’s really frustrating when you ride two hard courses and don’t get credit for either one. I really wish they would fix this bug. It’s been going on for quite some time now.


What device did you use. I know my wife got the badge a few days ago. Window 10.

Windows 10 as well. I did both the regular and reverse and went through both banners. I just don’t get it. I’ll just have to try it again. It is a known bug. I just wish they’d fix it.

Hi Christine - looking at your Strava entry for your NYC ride today, you did a few u-turns starting at around 4km mark so you wont get a badge for that - you have to let Zwift take you around the route.

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Ah, that makes sense. I thought it was taking me in the wrong direction but it wasn’t. I didn’t have any issues on the original Knickerbocker though. Oh well, its a good course so I’ll try again. Thanks!

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