Kickr v5 noise when in high speed gears

Ive been noticing lately a weird noise when going on higher speeds cogs or downhil on zwift even when not pedaling, weird cause on smaller cogs on erg even doing high watage is virtually silent, so its not a power or belt thing.any ideas what could it be or its a normal thing and i just havent paying attention

If you can post up a video then other Kickr folks can tell you if it seems normal or not.

If it won’t let you post the video, the edit the link in an obvious way (i.e. can easily be seen what you’ve done) to let it through.

I had that issue a few days ago. For me the reason was that one of those arrow stickers on the Kickr core got loose at high speeds and flapped around. I flattened them and thats it for now. If that issue repeats I’ll probably just remove them.

Hi @Luis_Medeiros_Team_V.

Welcome to Forums, this is Haziel, part of the Zwift support team, and I know how to deal with noise in this case with your Kickr V5, I have found this article from Wahoo that highlights some of the main reasons for the noise and there possible solutions for this, I hope it is useful.