Gentlemen: As you know the Kickr is somewhat inaccurate due to temperature delta and temperamental after moving or relocation. This requires a spindown virtually everytime we move the trainers. For workout mode, it would be good to spindown the trainer and calibrate in zwift app. Since the actual warm up is included in the workout protocol, there is not a chance to warm up the trainer properly and obtain proper offset without leaving the app and restarting forcing the rider to warm up twice.
I have tried to use bluetooth with my iphone wahoo app to calibrate while in the Zwift app (using ANT of course) and this works however the unfortunate effect is that the wahoo app tends to “capture” the ANT control of the resistance and not return to ERG mode after the spindown. Basically you spin through the workout at the manual resistance setting configured in the wahoo utility. I have tried to unpair/pair the trainer with the Zwift app after the process with no positive results.
So it would be a great benefit to either spindown directly from Zwift or be able to use the wahoo utility with BT while still connected to Zwift via ANT and have Zwift recover resistance control and mode of operation (ERG mode) after completing the spindown and closing the wahoo app.
Thank you for your consideration and if you have a workaround idea please forward on to me.
I concur that the “work-around” works, but the spindown options needs to be added. PerfPro and TrainerRoad both have this option. It is a PITA when you forget to get it all done before logging into Zwift.
Zwift techs, any plans to add this feature? Pretty please?
+1 for in app spindown, both for free ride mode as well as when doing a workout. Maybe have a radio button that allows for the spin down as part of the warm up mode so one segment of 10 min at 100w is followed by 1 minute where erg is off if not enabled originally while spin down is performed (or les time 30 seconds) and then the workout commences.
+1 for this - an option within Zwift to calibrate / spindown the Kickr. I currently have to do this in TrainerRoad first (the Wahoo Utility app can be very flaky), then close TrainerRoad and start Zwift - messy!