Jensie Ride Server Problem?

I logged in early for the ride with Jensie today, and after entering the promo code the app shut down on its ownn [A report was sent to Apple]. Since then I have spent 30 mins trying to log back in to Zwift with no luck. The app does not recognize my password now, but it works to log in and post a comment. Perhaps the servers are struggling with the popularity of Jensie? Did anyone else get kicked off or find themselves unable to log in. Wish I was riding now and not typing.

i can care less about riding an event, i simply wanted to do a ride.  I can’t get on at all.  Can hardly wait for the end of the month when we get to subscribe and not be able to log on.

if their servers can’t handle a single event, how can they even consider charging for the service?

Sucks, agian…

After 10+ times try, I was able to log in, but the “JUST RIDE” button didn’t work…

Around 10 more try allowed me to log in again, and “JUST RIDE” button worked. What I see is that everyone around me in default zwift jersey with no name. I cannot hear Jensie speaking at all.

Yea, it looks that Jensie is too popular for zwift server to deal with.

I think this event contributes to zwift “load test” because it’s still in beta. I hope the production version of zwift to deal with more load.

If it were an ordinary online game, I just stop trying to log in, saying “I was lucky enough to waste a time on this kind of crap” and just go to bed :slight_smile: but this is zwift, I wear my bib, put chamois cream on my xxxx, shoes on, and I’m rolling and I have full of sweat on my skin, nothing on my screen… yea I feel kinda nostalgie… one year ago I was doing like this, rolling a trainer without this kind of immersive game. It reminded me old days. Great experience.

Many Zwifters have been experiencing log in issues this morning, myself included. Fortunately our server guys have been hard at work on a fix for this for months - it’s just not live yet. We were hoping Jens wouldn’t break the internet today.

Thanks for your patience as we use up our last beta credits. We’ll try and pedal a little faster!