I decided to switch from my mountain bike to road on my Tacx Vortex today and encountered a variety of issues after doing so. After swapping the bikes I calibrated the trainer again using the Tacx app and I thought I was all good to go. However, once logging into Zwift I had the following issues which seem to mix of problems between the trainer and the software:
Rear wheel was slipping under power making it impossible to pedal smoothly
Cadence was reading ridiculously high
I got stuck on 100 watts, no matter how hard I went I could only change that by completely stopping
After reconnecting the trainer I found it hard to get going again. On 0% gradient I could only go 12mph at 250 watts!
Cadence and power spiked up and down, seemingly at random
I’m guessing this is something to do with switching bikes but the Tacx app seems happy with the calibration so I’m not sure what else I can do (except switch back!).