I am wondering if somebody has the issue that i am having setting the zwift cog.
If i set and install the cog as I do with the cassette the freewheel is not working, when i stop pedalling the chain get sucked, only if i loose the thru axle the cog does the freewheel but the bike moves more than usual.
I have a 11 speed cassette(bike), so i put the Green adapter on the other side.
Does anyone has similar issue.
Pd: hope my english is good any enough to get this explained.
Hi - I had exactly the same issue
My zwift cog came pre installed on the zwift hub, so i assembled and mounted the bike following the instructions.
After scratching my head for a while, I removed the zwift cog and saw that the metal retainer ring that holds the pawls in place looked damaged/broken
I’m really disappointed as I was hoping to just mount my bike and get zwifting! I’ve emailed support with some pictures, and hopefully will have a response soon and a replacement zwift hub sent out
Poor quality and notm impressed so far
Did you managed to fix your issue?
I managed to make It work, i have to play with the thru axle, if i tighten it as normal It doesnt allow me to have freewheel, so…i have loosen It a “bit” and works but IS not a good thing cause the bike moves more than normal.
Nobody answer me, so, I guess nobody has the same issue, i am trying to figure It out which IS the real issue.
Hi I managed to get it work after a bit of fiddling.i just needed a new retainer spring which keeps the pawls in place.sorted now but not thanks to zwift support
…they have completely ignored my emails
Hi Kevin,the same as Simon…no help from anyone so…i had to make It work fiddling with the tightness of the silver bolt… I left It a bit loose in that way the bike doesnt press too much the cog…
Anyway , i, ve been searching online and nobody complains about this, so i dont know if there IS something in the width of the bike…
With my new zwift hub one of the pawls came broken out of the box. Support seems to ignore me so do you happen to know which pawls I can use to replace them?
Keep at it with the chat bot and eventually it will allow you to open a support request. Never give up. Keep telling it that whatever it suggested didn’t work. Eventually you will win the battle.
I have opened a ticket with support, first they will provide you a nosense troubleshooting guide…about gears, adjustments…once you get annoyed explaining them that you actually play in zwift with virtual shifting, somebody, because they have escalate the ticket several times they will provide you a solution.
It seems that i am complaining but actually after a little bit of struggling with the nosense troubleshooting they reacted quickly and they have provide me a “new one”.
I have opened the thread on Monday or Tuesday and the replacement is on the way to my home.
Hi Simon just wondering where you fot the replacement spring ? i believe the same as happened to me the pawls are not out so they dont engage with the inner tooth ring so i end up just freewheeling and the flywheel wont turn. thanks
Hi Stewart,
Yes not great quality control I guess! And zwift weren’t interested when I emailed them!
I know some lads in the local bike shop so took it there and they managed to find the correct size spring thing in a draw of bits they had
Would recommend doing that rather than going through zwift
Good luck!
thanks Simon, i have contacted Zwift so lets see, in the short term i will ask the guy at my local shop maybe he might be able to fix it … just out of curiosity when the new spring was fitted did you notice who far out the pawls where ? Im not 100% the spring is broken but definitely the pawls aren’t engaging???
Yes I think the original retaining clip/spring thing was broken from new so the pawls had just dropped out
The new spring was quite a tight fit if I remember rightly
I did get a response from zwift but they sent me the completely wrong part and then went quiet after that
Looking at your pic I think the pawls came out a similar distance to that but can’t be sure
Just got my brand new zwift Ride setup today and noticed too that when I back pedaled, even slightly the tensioner dis-engaged as the chain tension was too tight. Took the frame off the Kickr Core, and you can see where the cog is rubbing the frame. As mentioned when tightening up the through hub bolt to stop the frame rocking, this is then too tight to stop the Cog from fowling the frame. Really the metal portion of the hub should extend further out of the hub, so that the frame clamps purely onto this with enough clearance, to allow the hub to move without any interference from the frame. As this part is all pre-installed, this is quite a fundamental issue which zwift should investigate. I am hoping a few suitably sized washers should do the trick.