Issue with cog v2 installation on Zwift Hube

Hi there, I own a zwift hub (originally with 11 speed cassette and quick release) for which during 2023 I purchased the zwift cog v1.
A few days ago I bought the Zwift Frame which came which for some reason cam with the new cog v2 in no free hub version (while I need the free hub version).
I would like to return the cog and exchange it with the correct version but I cannot make a partial return on the website, and reaching support is not easy (openede a ticket last week and still no answer).
Thanks for the help

Why do you need the freehub? You have a working freehub on your trainer right? All you need is a chain whip and a lockring tool to swap out the old one.

Thanks Paul!! I thought I needed to replace my old cog (black one) with the new one (orange one). The problem is that the new one does not fit in the freehub I have, looking at the videos on Zwift support it seems it is the version with the plastic interior made for the trainers with no freehub

The new Cog without a freehub comes mounted on a plastic carrier that you remove before installing it. It’s just packaging material.

Hi please find attached the photo of the new cog (left) next to the old one (right) and the trainer. I am not able to fit the new cog on the trainer but maybe I am missing something

Remove the clear plastic part from the upper Cog.

Remove the lower cog from the freehub and put the freehub back on the trainer.

Then install the new Cog on the freehub.

You will need a lockring tool and a chain whip to do that, or take it to a bike shop.

Sorry I don’t understand. As you can see from thenphoto the lower cog has already been removed from the freezing, and the new one does not seem to fit on the freehub attached to the trainer. What am I doing wrong?

The freehub is not on the trainer. You removed the freehub from the trainer and it’s still in the old Cog.

The new Cog is screwed onto a piece of plastic that you need to discard.

You will need tools like this, or take it to a bike shop and they can do it in a minute

This is the cog:

Zwift added plastic to act as spacers or something.

This is a freehub:

In your picture, the bottom “cog” is really a cog mounted on the freehub. Follow @Paul_Southworth 's directions to remount the hub with the cog and then remove the cog (would be a real PITA to remove the cog from the freehub if not mounted).

Once the cog and plastic removed, from your picture the top cog still has a clear plastic insert mimicking the freehub. Pull that out, slide the new cog (and plastic) on and tighten.

(Zwift really made it a mess, IMO, with all the plastic.)

Thanks a lot @Paul_Southworth for you time and detailed tips, I looked at the tool you recommend, but I have already removed the cassette one year ago when I installed the old cog (lower one in my photo) so I do not think I need it. As you can see from the photo of the trainer it is already without the cassette, The problem is that I am not able to remove the freehub from the old cog because it feels like it is one piece and I am afraid to break it, so I am stuck.
Don’t you think I can simply use the old cog with the Zwift Frame?
That would make things much easier for me

You could just put the old cog and freehub back on the bike and see if you’re happy with it. With the cog v2 you may be able to make it run quieter with a better chain line.

It is designed to be removed from the freehub if you have those tools. You do have to be careful not to overtighten it since it has some plastic parts.

Shane Miller made a video that compares the two versions