Is it bad that I have an Alias on ZwiftPower?

So, I’m just getting started on racing events.

When I created my ZwiftPower account, I participated in one race. Then while reviewing the results, I noticed that my height on Zwift (in cm) was incorrect. I’d messed-up the math two years ago (converting from feet-inches to cm) when I set up my Zwift account.

So I changed my height in my Zwift profile to the correct (lower) value.

So now in ZwiftPower, I see that I have two listings in the Alias, one with each height.

Is this a problem as far as getting points and whatnot when entering races?

I’m way down in the bottom of Cat E (ZRS is less than 150), so I don’t have a hope of finishing in the top 600 for any events (in 11 races, I’ve earned a score in just one - that first one before I changed my height).

I’d appreciate any info or references to where this might be documented. There are a zillion links to forums and FAQs, and it’s tough to know which ones are still valid.

No, it fine


Thanks for your reply.