Introducing the Factory Tour Challenge: A New Electrifying Experience

Greetings, Zwifters! We know many of you have been eagerly awaiting something truly challenging, and today we are thrilled to announce the Factory Tour challenge! Get ready for an electrifying ride that will put your endurance and power to the test. We can’t wait to see how far you’ll go!

:wrench: How It Works

The Factory Tour challenge is available to Zwifters who reach Level 40. Once you’ve hit that milestone, the challenge will unlock, giving you the opportunity to showcase your power and earn some electrifying rewards.

:high_voltage: Challenge Breakdown

  • Requirement: You’ll need to accumulate a total of 250 Power Units, or watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg) across all of your rides to complete the first part of the challenge.
  • Unlock for Completion: Once you hit the required Wh/kg, you’ll unlock the Lightning Socks. Let the sparks fly as you light up the roads in style!

Extra Credit: Full Factory Tour Completion

  • But that’s not all! After completing the initial portion of the challenge, you will encounter an extra credit section where your completion percentage will drop back down to 29%.
  • To fully complete the Factory Tour, you’ll need to produce an additional 600 Power Units.
  • Final Unlock: Complete the full challenge and unlock the Aero Electric Socks! These socks aren’t just for looks—they come with a Cda reduction, giving you a performance boost. Talk about electrifying!

:three_o_clock: A Long Journey Ahead

The Factory Tour is no quick ride. This challenge will take time—months, or even years, depending on your training. It’s designed to be a true test of perseverance and power, so pace yourself and enjoy the ride as you work toward the ultimate rewards!

:battery: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I unlock the Factory Tour challenge?

  • The Factory Tour challenge unlocks when you reach Level 40 in Zwift. Once unlocked, you can enroll in the new challenge by selecting the challenges card on your home screen. Once enrolled, you will start accumulating progress with every ride you complete.

2. What is a Power Unit?

  • Power Unit equals “watt-hours per kilogram.” It is your average power output for a 60 minute ride divided by your weight in kilograms. Ex: If you averaged 195 watts over an hour and you weigh 65 kg, your Wh/kg is 3.0. The challenge tracks the total power you produce across your rides, and you need to hit the required amount over time to make progress.

3. What are the requirements to complete the Factory Tour Challenge?

  • 850 Power Units.
  • Earning is rate-capped at a maximum of 4 Power Units per hour for a maximum of 15 Power Units per activity.
  • If you get the Cone of Shame, your progress will not count towards the challenge.

4. How long will this challenge take to complete?

  • This is a long-term challenge that will take months or even years to complete. With every ride, you’ll accumulate progress, so keep riding, stay consistent, and take your time!

5. Can I complete this challenge in one ride?

  • No, this challenge is about cumulative progress. Each ride you do will contribute to your total, but you’ll need to keep riding over time to hit the full requirement.

6. What happens when I complete the challenge?

  • Once you complete the first part and hit the 250 Wh/kg, you’ll unlock the Lightning Socks. After that, when you tackle the extra credit, your completion percentage will drop back down to 29%, and you’ll need to produce an additional 600 Wh/kg to fully complete the challenge and unlock the Aero Electric Socks with a Cda reduction.!

7. Can I enroll in multiple challenges at the same time?

  • Unfortunately no, you are only allowed to select one challenge at a time. If you feel like bouncing between different challenges, you can do so, but each activity will only count progress towards one challenge.

:high_voltage: Get Ready to Spark Your Ride!

The Factory Tour challenge is not for the faint of heart, but we believe in your ability to take it on! This long-term challenge will push your endurance and power to new heights. Let the sparks fly and earn your rewards in style. We can’t wait to see you all lighting up the roads in your Lightning Socks or Aero Electric Socks! Start the challenge, pace yourself, and remember: it’s not about how fast you finish, it’s about the journey!

Let’s go, Zwifters! See you on the road to completing the Factory Tour.

— The Zwift Team


Note: we’re aware of an issue with the cycling-only Factory Tour Challenge impacting runners.

It will appear that runners generate Power Units during an activity. Upon log out / relaunch, any Power Units generating in a run activity are no longer represented in the challenge progress animation.

This issue will be corrected in a future game release.

Has the cone been rejiggered for this? It takes some pretty absurd efforts to trigger it, or at least has.

Looking like roughly a 250-300 hour challenge to complete for a reasonably fit person.

How much of a CdA reduction are we talking?

Been waiting for a new challenge for a long time, happy to see this come out! Let’s get some more too :slight_smile:

Since we have to go to a supposedly-third-party website to get full information, here are the effects:

  • @1.5 W/kg: Sparks and Tire Halo (both Lightning & Aero Lightning socks)
  • @2.1 W/kg: Tire Sizzle Flash (both Lightning & Aero Lightning socks)
  • @2.7 W/kg: Full Aero Lightning Effects (Aero Lightning Socks only)
  • @3.2 W/kg: Full Aero Lightning Effects & Lightning Feet (Aero Lightning Socks only)

Having these effects going off starting at 1.5wkg and going full-HAM at 3.2 is going to be incredibly annoying, can the tiers for this be increased by 150% or so?

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I hope ZHQ uses this to find and ban all of their cheaters…
This will draw them out.

Watched a [bot] do Big Spin last night at 21w/kg.

Wouldn’t surprise me to see weight doping taking a stance as well.

Also, not a fan of CdA reducing socks…
It’s a return to the grey Specialized bikes all over again.

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Do rides of less than 60 minutes count towards the total? (Presume yes but just want to be sure)

Yes, they do.


I imagine we’ll see the first Aero Electric Socks in the first month, if some of the riders I’ve ridden with lately sign up. :face_with_rolling_eyes:

I saw the same bot at 21.7w/kg but it went past so quick I couldn’t get screenshots. Not that screenshots mean anything as the privacy of bots must be respected.

These things must be automatically banned or put them in a silent world on their own.

That rider had no cone of shame either.


Please give us an option to turn off those ‘special effects’ The Tron bike is already ugly enough and I really do not need and want to see more gamification of Zwift.

and while you are at it, gives us an option to turn of the emoticons that nobody asked for.


How much are we talking about here ?

I doubt it. Catching these riders doesnt seem to be high on the priority list at Zwift. Guess the financial gains by them paying a membership is more important to Zwift.

rate cap of 4 per hour & 15 per activity is a nod to bot blocking, kind of, 4hrs for a bot at 4wkg is no real issue… for the bot & it’s owner, 6 rides a day, put it this way anyone who completes in around 2 months maybe shouldn’t be allowed to race…
the Sock CDA, I’m sure it will get nerf’d once people start using them, just like the bike did

So, Kat and Tim should have them in a fortnight.

Simon looks to turn a hundred years old before getting his socks.

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So to clarify for example, The Big Spin or Zwift Games are also challenges, so if you ride one of these challenges/events, you have to pause on this Factory Tour Challenge in order for the other challenge’s event to count? Or is this like the Everest challenge which I think is basically always running and on?

I think it’s always on in the background.
I selected the new Factory Challenge yesterday then rode a Zwift Games Route seeker Challenge and received credit for all.

The latter.

“Sensei, what is the difference between a challenge and a challenge?”

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