Innsbruckring Revival

Bringing back this idea for a super quick/easy (I assume) refresh for everyone’s favorite circuit course … Innsbruckring!

As shown on map via red line, a very small link road using existing roadway artwork would enable figure 8s, a very spicy crit course up legsnapper, and the ability to reverse direction (a Ringsbruckinn if you like )

If the Zwift fairies were particularly generous, then could also add in the steep loop that was used in UCI worlds past the Legsnapper for even more fun :slight_smile:

Lastly, if none of this is possible, could we at least get the roundabout at the base of the climbing loops to allow for a u-turn back to Innsbruckring course in reverse please ???

That’s the Höttinger Höll I think:

I’ve ridden part of your route IRL (going up to Hungerberg), it’s a fun climb. I don’t like your chances of getting this added, if anything people want Innsbruck removed or merged with other UCI worlds, but definitely not expanded.

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