I’m in wrong category

you will be pleased to know that there are sprinters in C, B, and allegedly even one or two of them in A too. you can still sprint brother


Basing it on CP makes perfect sense to me. I agree that would be better than FTP. Zmap is only 5 min power though which appears to be what Zwift categorizes based on. Zwift should go back to FTP or do CP.

True unfortunately my 15 sec sprint doesn’t make up 8:00min.

Yeah it’s true obviously someone has to be last and it’s motivating to get more fit to categorize up(the older you get the harder, can’t keep up with the young guns). However what makes zwift fun is competing at the end of a race. One guy mentioned basing it on critical power. I think CP or FTP is better than 5 min power. Truth be told I’ve lost sprints to guys that I’m much stronger than because they are so savvy and good tactically. No cornering or bike handling on Zwift. The tactics are still crazy though.

Brett so breaking down your power data, you currently might fit the C cat profile. This is my reasons:

In April 23rd you are still able to produce 2.6 w/kg 20 min, 3.4 @ 5min and in the same race still push 8.8 w/kg 15 sprint. This was at 95.3 kg.

You now lost some weight and currently stands at 88.5 KG, so assuming your power is the same your w/kg grew 7.68%. This increase unregistered on ZP like would put your 4/23 power level in the C cat even in the old power.

Of course there are some assumption here, that you didn’t lose power and stuff like that.

No not only Zmap but also Zftp so two parameters.

ZFTP is basically CP so yes Zwift does use “CP”

Yes I agree with that