Hello! Tom, thanks for the detailed answer. The mathematical meaning of your proposed calculation is clear to me, the algorithm for the proposal to improve power for 5 minutes is also clear, but there are details that are incomprehensible to me. In the race on July 8th with a current weight of 101 kg, I improved my times by 5 and 15 minutes at the same time and received a message about the change in FTP from 332 to 333. Based on the results of the race, the category was upgraded to B.
All the best results of 5, 15 seconds and 10, 20, 30, 40 minutes were achieved in June with a weight of 100 kg . After the race on June 26th I received a message that my FTP had changed from 323 to 332. Group C was unchanged.
Results earlier for 30 seconds, 1, 3 minutes in April and May and after for 5 and 15 minutes in July were achieved with a weight of 101 kg.
I’m trying to understand the mathematical logic of transferring to group B. I would be grateful for your thoughts on this topic.
Events are presented in chronological order:
25.04.2024 30 sec 679w 6.72 w/kg 101kg
25.04.2024 1 min 558w 5.52 w/kg 101kg
18.05.2024 3 min 433w 4.29 w/kg 101kg
15.06.2024 5 sec 814w 8.14 w/kg 100kg
16.06.2024 15 sec 756w 7.56 w/kg 100kg
23.06.2024 10 min 358w 3.58 w/kg 100kg FTP 323 to 332
23.06.2024 12 min 357w 3.57 w/kg 100kg FTP 323 to 332
23.06.2024 20 min 351w 3.51 w/kg 100kg FTP 323 to 332
23.06.2024 30 min 337w 3.37 w/kg 100kg FTP 323 to 332
23.06.2024 40 min 329w 3.29 w/kg 100kg FTP 323 to 332
08.07.2024 5 min 391w 3.87 w/kg 101kg FTP 332 to 333 Group C to В
08.07.2024 15 min 362w 3.58 w/kg 101kg FTP 332 to 333 Group C to В
zFTP 338w 338 / 101 = 3,347 < 3,36w/kg (Group C)
zMAP 381w 381 / 101 = 3,772 < 4,1w/kg (Group C)
VO2max 47.2