How to reset bike colour?

I buied the beautiful Focus Izalco Max.
Unintentionally, I changed the colour of the bike. How can I reset the colour, so that the bike gets back his nice original colour-mix?
Thanks for help :upside_down_face:

There isn’t a reset button per se, but you can go back into the Garage bike selection and adjust the bike color using the paint can on the right side:

With the paint can, I can only change the whole color of the bike. The bike gets only on complete color.
But I want the bike, to get back the original color-mix, which the bike had after buing.
Is there any way to get this?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-08 um 12.39.27

I think you only get to keep that colour scheme if you participated in the COLOURS OF PARI 3-DAY TOUR events, not if you bought the bike in the drop shop. It might show up in the drop shop with those colours, but it was never those colours (at least not for me… I just spent some drops now just to test my theory, and the bike was never multi-coloured)
The same happened a while ago with the Scott Spark MTB where you only got the special colour scheme if you completed the special event. Just buying the bike never gave you the special colour scheme


If you’ve earned this by riding one of the stages, as mentioned, you will see it as a tile/block next to the paint can.
If you click in that block with your desired colourscheme, it overall changes the scheme to what is in the block and the paint can disappears.


I just bought this bike in the dropshop for the cool colors but it turns out the bike doesn’t come in those colors? Can we still complete the stages from this event? Will the event return?
If not, this is false advertising and should be fixed in the game. I was quite disappointed and a bit pissed off to find out.