HoloReplay PR is really a 90 day PR

Hi all,

When is s PR not a PR?

The HoloReplay displays a 90 day PR not you ACTUAL PR, say for. AdZ I know it’s a small issue but really it should indicate that on the side window.


It’s because it is only taken from free rides, not ones you have done in a race, event or workout.


The holoreplays are a great idea, long asked by the Z community. I suppose there must a reason why Z launched the holoreplay using only performance from free rides and for the last 90 days. The latter is not a big deal but free rides?! I think most people do PRs in group rides and races…
Also, a huge missed opportunity: the ZA22 finish line ride would have been great for launching the holos using the baseline times fir the three segments… Just saying

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These are normally heavily assisted by draft which you would struggle to match on a free ride.

Would have loved to have had a HR during ZA but it’s worth bearing in mind that we will continue to develop the HR further in the future.

Is there an option to add the real PR as well. I got now several times recently while I am recovering from a surgery that I have a new PR to find out in Strava that I was still slightly off from my real PR (in free/group ride). I would be great if a holoreplay could be added for the real PR too as we dont ride all segments necessarily every 90 days.