GPU memory consumption


I ecrease the video settings to the minimum and even so 3.4 Gb of 4 Gb of the memory of my GPU with 30fps are consumed. I play several online games, such as CS-GO and the GPU’s memory consumption is less than 60% with 200fps. Only your app has this behavior. Can you clarify? I tried to link the Zwift Analyzer app file but it didn’t upload. I made a print screen.


António Gouveia


What GPU are you using?

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1550 4Gb

Are you running Zwift on a second monitor? Is there a long cable run to the second monitor? Are you running in windowed mode?

Yes, I’m with a external monitor and windowed. Consulting the logo um Zwift Analyzer I see the resolution in Ultra and not 560p as I have in the settings.

Not sure what the problem is here. The game will use as much VRAM as is necessary. Low frame rates could be linked to lots of things, but VRAM use isn’t one of them.

If you’re still getting poor results on the lowest resolution setting, that’s almost certainly CPU bottleneck and nothing to do with your graphics card. What CPU do you have? Guessing at an AMD FX model.

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I have a Core i7-7700HQ. Today Zwift freezes 3 times and the PC rebbot 3 times. Going to uninstal Zwift and the gpu drivers and reinstal.

So it’s a laptop, that changes things. First things first, ensure you’re using maximum power/performance modes in Windows and Zwift, and that your laptop is plugged in. Ensure it’s not thermal throttling due to blocked vents or a poorly ventilated environment. Loads to think about with a laptop.

The energy its at maximum performance, plugin cable, and have a base with 5 fans at speed 5, powered with external source.

Okay, but I still don’t really understand what the issue is?

Thanks for confirming. If you disconnect from the external monitor and just use the laptop’s display - do you have the same issues?

We’ve troubleshot previous cases on this forum where the laptop’s in built GPU wasn’t up to the task of pushing pixels to both monitors simultaneously.

It sounds like you’re into gaming and likely have another laptop or desktop with a more powerful GPU? Can you try that w/ the external monitor and see what happens there?