Garmin Connect not accepting Zwift .fit file upload

So I rode Monday morning and manually uploaded my workout on the Garmin Connect website like I always do. I rode this morning and went to upload and Garmin Connect returned an error ‘file type not supported’ when it was the exact same type. Any thoughts or ideas?

Hi @Glenn_Atherton

Welcome to the forum.

It sound like the file is corrupt, assuming you got it from your zwift logs folder.
this can happen if you unexpectedly close Zwift or if you skipped multiple workout blocks very quickly.

You can try to use to fix the file.
try the Corrupt Time Fixer


Thanks Gerrie, gave it a whirl but no luck, I can live without the data. Thanks for the help!

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This issue should be fixed in 1.48

Same here, download fit file from zwift homepage and try to upload at garmin.
Beim Hochladen der Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Versuche es erneut.

After fit tools time reset it works.

@Ride_Cyclery you get a lot of money for this game, so fix that please.

I think it’s a Garmin problem. It seems to have stopped importing files from Fitbit and also .gpx files. Might be worth raising it on their forum.

I think a manual synchronization feature should be added. It should be usable when the automatic synchronization feature doesn’t work from time to time. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you’ve set up your garmin account and set your Strava account as a connected app, then all your Strava rides automatically switch to Garmin connect as zwift rides.
I have no issues at all. All data and a map are passed over.

I think that the only thing that doesn’t seem to be connected is challenges on garmin. To that end I have my Garmin running at same time on free ride connected to the trainer. I then save it for the challenge details then delete it to keep miles etc true.