Game Update 1.31 [November 2022]

It’s come to our attention that there are some aggressively loud seagulls lurking in some of the Urukazi routes. The seagull sounds can’t be turned off in Zwift game v1.31, but that glitch will be fixed as soon as possible.

Forewarned is forearmed in case you Zwift while in a work meeting.


What bike did you think that Mech Isle Loop suited? I tried stretches using all bike types and couldn’t tell which if any were better, by looks I expected gravel or MTB to be king.

LoL. It’s the elephant in the room

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I’m not sure, Steve. I just booted it round on the TT bike that I was on; there didn’t seem to be enough unpaved bits to make a MTB or gravel bike worthwhile.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Connection Disconnected

What about scroll down and scroll aside bars for Windows? (Laptops)

No issues here. Are you using any mesh wifi networks?

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Everyone will probably just think you’re one of those Californian beach bum developers who get sand in their laptops while working at the beach.

The home screen elements can be click and dragged for devices with a mouse. For touch screen devices, you can drag with your finger.

You cannot imagine difficulty… Try to drag on laptop, (without physical mouth), on touch mouse of keypad !!!

6 posts were split to a new topic: Zwift Crash IOS After screenshot

To free-ride Makuri off-schedule, you can join Tour of Makuri Islands. You can then click on the Tour in the main UI and ride any time you want (until end of November).

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Yeah, I’m well aware how to navigate Zwift. When the update first went live Makuri wasnt available, Shooj quickly fixed it so you dont need to hack in to get the route badges.

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Does world hack work on the new home screen? I feel like I remember trying to world hack but being unsuccessful.

Has the drop multiplier bug been fixed (Stops at 2X instead of advancing to 2.5X)?

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Yes it works still

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the map view seems messed up it’s now close and super close like the screen shot instead of close and wider view.

interestingly it varies as you jump between riders how bad it is so maybe the position on the route makes a difference

Edit seems worst on the wooden boardwalks through the centre of the new roads.


Multi-touch gestures my friend.

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Looks like the fix wasn’t ready in time for v 1.31.0. I see it is fixed though, and planned for 1.32.