Game Update 1.24 - April 13th, 2022

Handful of Gravel actually wasn’t a Rebel Route - that’s a Zwift-created route…


Make Mayan bridge loop a cycling route as well. It would be good race route with changing surfaces and two small-medium climbs per lap.

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Please improve the lines of communication with @Eric_Schlange_ZwftIn when these mistakes/bugs happen. You are fully aware he tests everything you release and everyone makes decisions based on his articles. If he is given notice or can quickly warn about a potential issue then we wouldn’t feel as if we are wasting our drops.


Can’t hear it too well over the ambient sounds which seem really loud now. I haven’t changed my audio volume settings.

Has anyone else been switched from the new UI back to the old UI with this update?

Those reporting that road feel on Tacx smart trainers feels excessive - please join us on this thread: Tacx Neo road feel is excessive [April 2022] [1.24]

Could you develop steering where it is truly steering. Allow us to choose route by turning on to roads with steering and not using the app. That would be a huge improvement to game functionality and experience. Thank you


Ambient sounds are extremely loud now in general, compared to the past. Watopia pier arcade is like a thunderstorm, when just riding through Downtown. All at default volume levels - I’ve never adjusted them.

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17 posts were split to a new topic: [Old Mining Town on Desert Flats vanished April 2022

No, not today, but I did have a few anomalous load-ups of the old UI a few days ago, despite being on the new one for a while. The last two launches it was back to the new one.
It seems like both are present and that the interface we see is decided by a reference table decision. Maybe there are intermittent bugs in that line. :man_shrugging:
Is yours permanently back on the old UI, on the same device as where you had the new one?

Cheers mate, I see I’m not the only one who is f***** up with that.

Looks like my strategy of not buying things from the drop shop has again paid off. Just this week I was sooo close to getting the TOA as my all-rounder, but I told myself “Self… just use the Tron.”… and here we are.

That said, it would be nice to have something useful to do with the drops after you get a good TT bike, the Tron, and a good climber.


Hey @Wes How is the rollout of the new ui going on pc going. Still don’t have it on my pc

I’m getting a Windows Firewall warning when running the game after this update - it’s blocking zwiftapp.exe which I assume is due to the Wahoo Direct Connect thing. Probably worth mentioning though, and advising which option(s) users should choose.


[23:05:45 2022-04-13] Launcher: ZwiftApp.exe is not running.
[23:05:45 2022-04-13] Launcher: Starting Zwift App.

this is what is in the log. If I try to run ZwiftApp.exe (as admin) I get the error message ‘This app cant run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.’ So here I am on a fully up to date Windows 10 PC having just re-downloaded everything, and I get this. What is my next step? Where can I log some useful information?

Do you have a Wahoo Direct Connect? I do not, and I did not see a Windows Firewall prompt this morning when I updated.

Regarding the lines from your logs - was this when the launcher app was downloading and installing 1.24? Or had 1.24 already been installed at that point?

Microsoft released a bundle of major Windows 10 patches yesterday. I wonder if the firewall popup is related more directly to that? I happened to have installed those MS patches, and I still didn’t see the MS firewall popup.

No, I don’t. In fact it came up on a PC that I’ve never paired anything to. It didn’t prevent the game from starting or running normally, I just noticed the firewall warning there whilst the game was going (I minimised Zwift to monitor temps etc and saw it). This system had all the cumulative updates etc yesterday, so before the game update.

I’ll try it on some other systems and see if the same happens. :+1:

Edit: I suspect not, since I bet I’ve given access to zwiftapp.exe in the past. It came up previously IIRC, can’t remember why.

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Made a video overview of this update for those interested. Feedback welcome! Zwift Update April 1.24 // All the details! - YouTube


Another month, another nerf.

Zwift HQ be like



I don’t need the Ch2 TOA to be faster than the Tron, just equivalent. My avatar always complains when we’re running the Tron 'cuz he doesn’t get a back break when we’re in the draft; he’s stuck on the drops…

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