I signed up for ftp builder plan. It shows I have to do the 3 prep foundation workouts today and then I have the 1st foundation workout for week 1 due in 7 hours. Is there a way to do these workouts and then enroll, with credit for them? Does Zwift automatically do that? Help…
I am not sure where it is written but you need to start a new training plan on a Monday and it will show you which workouts are available for you to do on day one. Once you have completed the first one, it will generally make you pause for 12 to 24 hours before the next one is available. So if you have several waiting to be done in one day then it will only let you complete one or two before the rest are skipped unavailable for completion depending on when it wants you to complete certain workouts. You are probably better off just starting the first real workout since it seems you missed what are generally three prep workouts for some of the training plans and it is Monday. Or just start over today by re-enrolling and you can get everything done.