Flexibility on workout unlock time

I’ve recently started the Back to Fitness workout programme and appreciate that after completing a workout the next one isn’t unlocked until a couple of days later. However, they are time specific too which is proving to be inconvenient. For example I had a workout unlocking today ‘Friday Morning’ but when I logged in to do it at 08:30 I found it wouldn’t be unlocked until 11:00. This unlock time only shows after I have logged into the Apple TV app, and only then the actual time shows in the Companion app. So rather than have workouts unlocked at a specific time which might not fit in with work, family etc could it just be 00:01 on the day?

See Please improve Training Plan schedule flexibility

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Thanks for the link @Steve_Hammatt I’ve added my vote. It’s sad to see the thread was started over 2 years ago and nothing has changed… :frowning: