Firstbeat training effect on Garmin Connect

Looks like this will work on Connect now.

I haven’t tested it, mind. Don’t know if it calculates TSS.


yep! seems to be working - I see training effect in garmin connect from couple of my last zwift rides, though I wasn`t concerned much about missing that part of data…

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I’ve tested it now. It does calculate Training Effect and Exercise Load, but still doesn’t calculate Intensity Factor or TSS.

So I guess I’ll still be dual-recording.

Ride recorded on Garmin Edge

Ride from Zwift/Strava

I would like to bring this topic up again. Why does RGT manage to send values ​​like TSS and IF to Garmin, but not Zwift? Come on, Zwift!

Does it matter if I lose the Zwift distance/speed/elevation etc from dual recording?

Like will the Garmin distance/speed be accurate enough?

I don’t know if I should be dual recording or just recording on zwift and pushing to Garmin

Accurate enough for what? The numbers will be meaningless I expect. But Zwift’s numbers aren’t realistic either, so I don’t know that it matters too much.

I dual record, but I only keep one of the two recordings in different systems.

I keep the Zwift recording in Strava, and the Garmin activity in Connect.

I record in Zwift and push to Garmin. As long as it’s consistent, I don’t care about laser-like accuracy.

My bad, will it be good for the Garmin Firstbeat Metrics, how are you finding it? I don’t think my lactate threshold and FTP are auto updating when I record with Zwift alone. So I might start dual recording

My understanding is that these are based on power and heart rate. The speed/distance doesn’t matter.

I record my rides on my Garmin head unit because although data from Zwift will update Training Effect, it didn’t seem to update Intensity Factor or TSS for the activity. I didn’t do enough Zwift-only rides to notice whether my Connect thresholds were updating or not though.

Right, and is TSS different from Garmin’s training load? Or do they both do the same thing?

TSS (Training Stress Score) tries to quantify the amount of stress induced by a workout, while Training Load shows accumulation of “fitness” over time - a week or so for Acute Training Load or longer for Chronic Training Load.

You can read more about them on these pages:

Also there’s this:

Ah perfect. Thanks for the links Daren :slight_smile: