Hi there,
Following the advice of Aleksendra from support, I publish my request.
Dear developers, Zwift is great. Thanks.
An evolution would be perfect, please.
When looking for a workout, you should be able to add it to your favourites.
Then find all our workouts in a favorites section.
What does the community think?
Stephane France
Bonjour Ă tous,
Suite aux conseils d’Aleksendra du support, je publie ma requête.
Chers développeur, Zwift est super. Merci.
Une évolution serait parfaite, s’il vous plaît.
Lorsque l on cherche un entraînement, il faudrait pouvoir l ajouter en favoris.
Ensuite retrouver tous nos entraînements dans une rubrique favoris.
Qu’en pense la communauté ?
Stéphane France
Many requests for this feature. @Gerrie_Delport_ODZ merge opportunity?
It’d be helpful to have quicker and easier access to favorite workouts (through starring or flagging workouts when navigating your workout selection). It’d also be helpful to be able to save favorite workouts through a simpler UI (i.e. a web app that looks like whatsonzwift workout finder). That wa…
Done Thanks @Paul_Southworth
A post was merged into an existing topic: Favorite Workout Access