No list of events showing on the start page after loading game. Only list of riders visible. Couldn’t log into my race. Thanks.
As far as I can see everything is back to normal now but there seems to have been general problem with joining events around 10 AM CET today.
This seems like it was likely more of an internet connectivity concern. If your internet connection is wavering a bit or going online and offline, it may allow you to log in, but if your internet connection gives out before your Zwift game client is able to pull event information from our game server, something like this could occur.
I’ve also heard of similar happening when Zwift is left running while a Windows PC is placed into suspension or hibernation mode and continued without restarting the game. If you do suspend your PC, it’s best to exit Zwift first and start up a new copy after waking your PC up.
Let us know if that helps!
No, it was a widespread issue. Not just affecting me. There was a 100km audax event scheduled to begin at a similar time. Alot of people asking what was going on with the event list on the in game chat. Seems no one could access events for a short time.
Be nice to know why or if it is likely to happen again? Anyone from zwift?