Error code Z114 Zwift not working

I have an error message for update Zwift : “Error Failed during Patching. Error code Z114 at line 558 in patcher.ccp”.
If I skip upddate, Zwift close.
I tried a proposed solution “Delete Zwift Folder in “Download folder” and restart Zwift” but it doesn’t work.
My configuration : Windows 11; Zwift version 1.1.4
For the moment, I canceled my subscription because I can not use Zwift

Did you have a solution please for this incident
Thank you

Hi @Gerard_DANIEL,

First off, I’d like to welcome you to the Zwift community Forums!

The Error you are seeing usually indicates that Zwift needs access to a file, but can’t. We’ve found that the best way to fix this is to fully reinstall Zwift.

However, that can wipe out your personal bests and workouts. The best way to preserve that information is to follow these steps.

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Hello Terry,
Thank you but I make this solution (reinstall a fresh Zwift software) but after reinstall, the update error is a same.
May be, I’ll repeat this reinstall with a reboot after desinstall.
If is OK, I send you my resolution
If Not, I search others solutions
Thank you
Thank You

I’m happy to help,

It’s also worth trying to run Zwift as admin, even if you have administrator privileges on your profile.

If that or the reinstall doesn’t work, I encourage you to reach out to our support staff directly so we can look into things on a more personal level. You can reach our support staff here

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@Terry.G linked you to the re-installation instructions which I’d also advise you try in their entirety. Especially the part about saving your personal best and customer workout files.

These Z error codes can happen because files were corrupted during the download of the game app. It’s therefore important to delete everything Zwift-related in those re-installation instructions.

Once those suspect corrupted files are deleted and a clean install package from Download Zwift on iOS, MAC, PC, or Android Devices | Zwift is on you hard drive - the installer apps should be able to proceed smoothly. Would you let us know if that helped?

Hello Terry, Shuji,

I’ll try your recommandation and I send a follow

Thank you


After several attempts, I have a solution for my problem. Hope this can help other Zwifters

  • Follow the uninstallation procedure to recover user data
  • uninstall Zwift
  • Delete the entire Zwift directory in C:\program files(X86)
  • Reboot PC
  • Disabling antivirus
  • Installation of Zwift in “Admin” mode
    The update is done correctly

So, I hope it will more simple for the next update :slight_smile:
Thank you for your help


Excellent! I’m glad you were able to get it working.