For anyone in the same boat with and Elite Drivo II that doesn’t work (in terms of being slow to change resistance and therefore power output suffers) - I’ve now completed a test using Elite’s MyEtraining software.
That confirmed (with possibly plus, or minus one second error here) it takes 7s for this Elite Drivo II to start ramping up resistance and it completes the ramp up at about 17s. Similar when going back down in power.
Using a test workout of:
2 minutes at 110w
30s at 100w
30s at 180w
30s at 100w
30s at 180w
Using a consistent 90rpm cadence and power smoothing set to zero in advanced settings. Noting Elite have not formally clarified what power smoothing should be set to. In theory zero should mean power readings are instant. That may change if they reply.