Hi, I’ve had a problem with ERG training for some time now. It hasn’t worked since I launched zwift and the trainer. Elite Direto X, the latest version of Zwift for Windows. I tried Bluetooth and ANT+ connections (the receiver was placed next to the trainer). I uninstalled Zwift, deleted the directories from appdata, programdata, programfiles. I calibrated using the My e-training (elite) application. Calibration using zwift is not possible, it immediately jumps to point 4 and then a timeout message pops up. All these actions did not help. Manually increasing resistance using zwift companion works. The My e-training (elite) application stably reads the power, cadence, speed parameters. Zwift sometimes seems to “lose connection” on the pairing screen, sometimes it takes a while to find the device even if the transmitter is nearby.
What exactly is the problem with ERG mode? Is it fine in free rides. Please provide more information as to exactly what’s not working properly.
The ERG is only used during training. When riding freely, the resistance is changed when climing. During workout, passing through the power change gate does not change the resistance at all. Manual power change via the app worked. I turned ERG mode on and off in the settings, no result.
So Zwift can control the trainer’s resistance, but ERG mode won’t engage?
I would try completely uninstalling Zwift and reinstalling, in case something went wrong during the update process. The steps to completely uninstalling (including manually deleting some folders) are towards the bottom of this article - Re-Installing Zwift
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I wrote in the first post, I already tried it
Ah sorry. I suggest contacting Zwift support. The log files might tell them what’s going wrong.
I tried, the contact with support was a chatbot that could only loop the response uninstall and reinstall :-). I guess it’s time for ROUVY
If you tell the chatbot you need to contact support (and that its suggestions don’t help) then it should take you to a form to fill in that will be sent to Zwift support.
If you can’t get to that form, then email support@zwift.com . You’ll need to be patient though, as Zwift are dealing with a higher volume of support calls than usual at the moment so their response time is slower than usual.
Mine stopped too on my direto xr did you manage ti sort it ?
After the recent Zwift updates, I can point out two issues (ANT+ and Bluetooth):
The first issue occurs when it’s impossible to enable ERG mode during a workout (on PC via the menu bar or using the Companion app on Android).
While in an active workout, use the “Switch Workout” option. This brings back the old “Use ERG Mode” button, which works as expected.
The second issue, introduced with the latest update, is a very high resistance when starting a workout, which ERG mode fails to reduce. This can cause cracking sounds, as if the trainer is trying to adjust the resistance beyond its limits.
In this case, I disable ERG mode in the Companion app, manually increase resistance to the maximum, and then lower it to the minimum. Unfortunately, you have to pedal during this process, which can be quite demanding during a warm-up. Sometimes, the resistance doesn’t decrease on the first attempt. Once it does, I re-enable ERG mode in the Companion app.
If ERG mode still doesn’t activate, I manually adjust the resistance to match the target value and try enabling it again. Switching ERG mode on and off works best while pedaling; if the cadence is at 0, it seems the system struggles to determine the correct resistance to set initially.
The hassle with ERG mode in Zwift is extremely frustrating, and support ignores the reports, claiming I have connection range issues. My ANT+ receiver is positioned right next to the trainer. During workouts, I occasionally experience a 2-second drop where the trainer switches to minimal resistance and then quickly returns to the target power.
In ROUVY, ERG mode works flawlessly with both ANT+ and Bluetooth. The trainer doesn’t set itself to maximum resistance when adjusting for the start, nor does it make the cracking noise. However, this doesn’t seem to convince the support team.
I have ended up selling my direto and swapped out to a kickr core. I think they want people to be on the latest machines and offer limited compatibility with older ones in updates as mine has never worked well with Zwift.
There’s definitely an issue with our trainers and Zwift as mine worked fine in rouvy too
I solved the problem, the issue is hardware-related.
Unlike other applications, Zwift quickly increases and decreases resistance when enabling ERG mode to set the starting level to zero. In my case, resistance control has issues, especially during quick retraction. If the resistance changes gradually (over an extended period), the screw actuator works correctly. However, if the change happens quickly, particularly during retraction (reducing resistance), the screw can stop, causing cracking noises at the connection with the motor.
The problem: I can’t insert a link - YT private film watch?v=MDLK2ksAVog
Solution: (I can’t insert a link - search for an article) 7066894670108-Cleaning-the-motor-screw-thread
Now also in zwift the resistance when starting ERG works correctly