Erg mode vanished

Good afternoon, everyone.
Has anyone expirienced today that the ERG mode has simply dissapeared? Anyone at all? Current version of the game updated. Windows 11 IOS.

What is your setup, e.g. which trainer? Do you use ANT+ ?

Make sure you have the resistance device paired over the same protocol (Bluetooth/ANT+) as your power, cadence etc devices.

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Yup, with ANT+ from the day 1 here on Zwift and working flawless until this morning.

Hi @Manel_Rodriguez_de_l

Shuji at Zwift HQ. Looked at your server logs. On the day you wrote in (Nov 12) you had power signal paired to a Wahoo trainer, and Resistance (what we used to call Controllable) signal to an Elite trainer.

Are you sorted now? I trust everything works as expected because I see you paired both to the same trainer on the day after and did a Zwift Academy workout?

Yup. Thanks, I trully appreciate it. :blush: