Elliptical - ALMOST!

I did this all with zwift on my phone btw.

Thank you! I need to pursue this further. I put on the Tickr X this morning, set it up with the Wahoo app, and then linked it with Zwift Run. All seemed to work fine. Except that avatar didn’t budge. Maybe I needed to walk around with it before trying the elliptical and Zwift?

You’ve given me hope, however, so will keep trying. Thanks for the encouragement!

If that doesn’t work. Maybe try all the calibration on the elipical so it understand the motion of the machine. My runs different depending which machine I’m on in the gym. I did use the standard setting in zwift to calibrate too so he ran I little bit quicker.

Tried it on the elliptical just now, but no good. I also tried calibrating it using the Wahoo app on the treadmill, but that didn’t work either. Can’t try an outside run/walk today because of the weather, but will as soon as conditions improve. Thanks again for the advice. I’ll post here if/when I get things to work.

If that doesn’t work. Maybe try to reset the tickrx and then just connect to zwift and try walking with the app, I walked around the house with the app on my phone, see if that works. Good luck.

Good idea. I will try that and report back with the results (sorry to be belaboring this…).

To follow up, I tried it earlier today by taking my dog for a walk. Zwift recorded it, but only the first 6 minutes of a 30-minute walk. Not sure why it stopped recording, but I will try it again tomorrow and see if I have better luck.

Eureka! It worked. :+1: I was able to connect the Tickr-X to Zwift this morning and use my elliptical to “run” the track. The mileage recorded on Zwift did not match that on the elliptical, but that’s just a matter of calibrating one to the other. I’m thrilled that the two are working together. Thank you, Dave J, for your help with this! :grinning:

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Thought it was worth adding to the positive results on the thread. I’ve been following this thread for the last few months since I managed to source an elliptical to help with rehab after a bike injury. I treated myself to a Tickr X and have managed to get myself running in Zwift - there’s a mismatch between the elliptical stats and the Zwift ones, but it’s not something I’m overly concerned about - about 1-2kph for speed on the low side in Zwift, but since I’m not planning to race, it’s not remotely a deal breaker.
My wife would now like to be able to use it as well, so it’ll be interesting to see whether she can use my Tickr X sensor, or whether it’s going to be less faff to upgrade her existing Tickr…

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Well, this is discouraging. I had everything working using the TickrX back on Jan 20. But I tried it again this morning, despite the TickrX being linked to Zwift, my avatar just stood there stretching. So, I tried wearing the TickrX just now with it synced to Zwift while walking outside for a couple of miles. That’s what I did in Jan and it worked just fine. But not today, despite Zwift showing that it’s paired with the TickrX for speed. cadence and HR. Given that it worked okay two weeks ago, this is a little disheartening.

why don’t you use QZ?

Does your QZ app support a Sole E25 elliptical?

it manages already some sole ellipticals. if it doesn’t out of the box i will help you as i did for everybody:)

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Hi Phil, I’ve been trying this as well with a TickrX and had limited success, which varied from run to run. I didn’t write anything on here because you seemed to have been luckier than me. Every time I tried running I’d have some success but then it would cut out, and sometimes I just couldn’t get it going, like you’ve said you experience today.

Then yesterday I calibrated again and it didn’t ask me to calibrate at low speed. I also ignored any attempt at making the speeds feel accurate, I calibrated “normal” speed at 10km/h on Zwift and just “pedalled” the trainer a bit faster for the fast speed. This only gave a small window of operation - between 8-12km/h as measured by Zwift - but it’s been much more reliable. I think it seems unrealistically quick, but I’ve had three runs without issues now and I’d rather have something too quick which works than something which feels more accurate but is more temperamental.

It’s not the best experience in the world but it seems to just about work and it’s enabled me to explore new parts of Zwift worlds.

I purchased and installed your app, Roberto, on my iPhone 13 Pro. It sees the elliptical but does not record any data. All I see is the attached screenshot. I will email you separately in the morning to ask for help.

Yeah sure, feel free to open a task on the GitHub project, I will follow you there

Thanks, Paul. By “calibrated,” I assume you mean connected. I can get Zwift to pair with the TickrX for speed, cadence, and HR without a problem. But when I start a run, it shows nothing. Just my avatar standing around stretching. I am going to try it again in a few minutes, so will see what happens.

I also just emailed Roberto to try and get the QZ app to work with my set-up. So, hopefully one or the other will work.

No - by calibrated I mean that after you’ve connected the TickrX through the pairing screen, you then calibrate it by clicking the wrench/spanner icon on the pairing screen.

I think I’m on the verge of throwing up my hands and giving up. It worked for me once using the TickR, but now I can’t replicate it. And the QZ app is a waste of time and money unless you have a second device to link it to Zwift, which I do not. The app’s description does not mention that.

Frustrating to say the least.

Phil i’m sorry you said so because i spent a lot of time in order to add the compatibility to your elliptical machinery! If you invest 30-40$ on a cheap iphone 5s or 6 you will be able to join zwift with perfect metrics with QZ.

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