Elite Direto disconnection


Tried to ride today on Zwift. Connected to the trainer without intervention by me - so all good. Joined a race, and c.8km my avatar stopped riding claiming no watts. I quit the race, and the pairing screen said “no data” from the Direto, then it reconnected. I decided to do a workout - 20 minutes in, it disconnected. I went to the pairing screen, it appeared to reconnect (in that readings appeared for cadence/power), but when I go back to the workout it must disconnect again.

Gave up and used the Garmin 1030 (Ant+) to finish off.

I haven’t had this problem previously, but wonder if it has been introduced in the last Beta update?

Any news on when the Ant+ support will be available? Then I could try the alternative protocol.

Hey Jon,
Has your environment changed at all/have you added anything to the area around your setup that could possibly interfere with your BLE signal?

Here’s a list that would help: https://support.zwift.com/en_us/my-bluetooth-signal-is-dropping-running--BJkESEzU7

There has been no change in my set up as far as I am aware (Elite Direto/Samsung TabS3/Garmin 1030 (not connected to Elite Direto and using Ant+ for Stages & HR) and location is the same also). Elite and Samsung firmware have not updated recently, otherwise I would assume that to be the variable. My phone was not nearby.

I looked at the article and I wasn’t using the Zwift Companion and the sensors are driven off the mains-driven Elite Direto and tablet was on an 80% charge. Stages power sensor is broadcasting on BLE - but Zwift was told to pair to the Direto.

I’ll give it another go and see what happens. If it happens again, where are the logs stored that you would need to troubleshoot?

I tried again last night. It initially connected ok, but 1 minute into the activity it disconnected, saying “connected, no data”. I tried turning off the Garmin, but this did not make an immediate change in connectivity. No change in the set up. I continued using just the Garmin 1030 to follow a workout - over Ant+ and had no issues.

After I had completed the workout I turned off the Garmin and resumed Zwift and it connected to the trainer ok, and didn’t immediately drop out. I’ll try next time with the Garmin off at the beginning and see what happens. The Garmin is not connecting to the trainer - but maybe there is a handshake going on that is upsetting the connection? If so it is a recent introduction, as it used to be fine. I am not even sure that the Garmin can connect to the trainer via BLE.

This time - I had the Garmin 1030 off, no other devices in the vicinity beyond the tablet connecting to the Direto. It was fine, then c. 75 mins in the Matt Hayman’s workout - just about to start the last 6x2 min segment the connection dropped and would not restore. I completed my workout with the 1030 as a head unit and it was rock solid connectivity.

I do recall that the Samsung recently updated to to the August security patch level, which may or may not be significant - but beyond the Zwift app, that is the only variable that I can see. I am on Zwift version v22 -1.0.30448

I can’t use the Android Beta while it is randomly disconnecting like this. I will try a session on the Elite training app over BLE and see if it behaves the same way. If it doesn’t then I think the finger is pointing firmly at how Zwift is dealing with the BLE API.

so tested in same location, same trainer, same tablet but with the Elite Training app. Connected to Direto across bluetooth. HRM connected across Ant+ (thus confirming that Samsung tablet supports Ant+ natively).

The workout was 4x 3x3 minute pyramids - with warm up/down - at set power targets. This meant the software was in erg mode. The duration was 65 minutes. The app did not drop the connection once.

Therefore I can only conclude that the the Zwift app is the root cause of the bluetooth connectivity issue - that is the variable.

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